Wonderful Wales

It's late September - my favourite time of year to set out on a trip to Europe. And so it is that a plan we hatched last Christmas should now be well underway. But with the Coronavirus Pandemic still in full swing across the globe we have to take whatever we can get; and so it is that the 15 days riding to and in the southern Alps of France has had to become a trip around the British Isles ! We simply can't get to France at the moment, without unnecessary exposure to infection, or punitive quarantine requirements. In fact, to accomplish the original trip we had planned, would require 6 weeks - 14 days quarantine in France, and another 14 days on our return. And that's not a choice either of us can make. So with about a fortnight to go, we conjure up a new objective, to ride to some more of the stunning areas in the mainland UK. We start our plan with Wales, then the Lake District, up through the lowlands of Scotland to the Isle of Skye, a few da...